“Inforce product” refers to ivari’s segregated fund, Guaranteed Interest Account (GIA) and Daily Interest Account (DIA) products that were available under the investment product line of business beginning in the 1970s and until March 2, 2020.
Currently, ivari’s inforce segregated fund, Guaranteed Interest Account (GIA) and Daily Interest Account (DIA) products are closed to new policies. If you own one of these products, ivari will continue to honour your policy, and the terms of your contract will remain unchanged. ivari will continue providing customer service on these products.
If you have a segregated investment fund product with ivari, you can get additional and/or updated information here.
Effective as of close of business on March 2, 2020:
For all existing inforce segregated fund, GIA and DIA products under the investment product line of business:
- Additional deposits were discontinued
- Existing PAC plans were discontinued
imaxxGIF remains available only for transfers from an existing GROWSafe 94 or IMS I, II, and III Contract registered as an RSP, LIRA or LRSP to an imaxxGIF Contract registered as a RIF, LIF, PRIF or RLIF.
ivari’s Single Premium Immediate Annuity (SPIA) remains available for new sales with no changes at this time.